Sunday, December 25, 2005

Thoughts from Abroad

While on vacation, there have been many thoughts going through my mind. I have been taking this time off to read and finish reading things that I always begin, but never seem to find the time to finish. Giddiness mixed in with dorkiness is how I would describe myself when I know it's time for a break from school and I can finally find time to read all those things that I have been wanting to read. The only complaint that I have is that there isn't enough time.

This latest book, Tuesdays with Morrie, mentions something that I have been experiencing lately and couldn't put it into words:
The Tension of Opposites

"Life is a series of pulls back and forth. You want to do one thing, but you are bound to do something else. Something hurts you, yet you know it shouldn't. You take certain things for granted, even when you know you should never take anything for granted.

"A tension of opposites, like a pull on a rubber band. And most of us live somewhere in the middle."

Sounds like a wrestling match, I say.

"A wrestling match." He laughs. "Yes, you could describe life that way."

So which side wins, I ask?

"Which side wins?"

He smiles at me, the crinkled eyes, the crooked teeth.

"Love wins. Love always wins."

Thanks MT for getting me this book for my birthday. You truly are awesome!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Is it written in the stars?

Sometimes I like to read my horoscope, and do the exact opposite of what it says I will do.

[ Facing the bull? Eh...I'd rather do it indirectly ;) ]

Sunday, December 18, 2005


This sign made me smile.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Taiwan: where the fun's at.

So the phone rings the day before I leave for Taiwan, and it's Margaret.
*ring*ring* Hello?
Margaret: Are you excited?

haha. In my head, I was like YAYUH!!! Good times.

This trip has been great so far. The plane ride was fun cuz I had Margaret next to me instead of some stinky person that I didn't know. Atleast this time I knew the stinky person next to me! I think I am getting good at this whole time change thing because it only took be about a day to change over to the time here. I've had a good time eating good food and seeing good people. Everyone's growing up so fast. I wonder how I look to them.

Funny thing is, when I see people on my mom's side of the family, they talk about how much I look like my mom, and when I see my dad's side of the family, they talk about how much I look like my dad. I miss my friends back home though, but I hope that they are having fun or "dominating" their finals. I'm working on taking pictures of funny signs and such. Operation Funny Asian Signs in Engrish aka Operation FASE!!! Yeah ok. Enough of that. I'm gonna go walk around in the rain. I love it.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Thems Fightin' Werds

We usually filter what we think before allowing ourselves to speak. Our spoken words are often a very poor reflection of what we are really thinking. Whether or not this is a good thing, I'm not too sure.

I think I'd get myself into trouble and find myself regretful most of the time if I just said whatever was on my mind all the time. This is only because I fear what others would think both of me and of our relation to one another. Other times, I wish I had the guts to [ironically] be gutsy. Take a risk and make the jump. The odds are completely unknown, and I'm not the gambling type. I'd like to advocate pure and total honesty, but the repercussions of that would be unthinkable.

I'm not even talking about "lying". What I'm talking about involves concealing the truth, or very cunningly avoiding the subject. In an ideal world, I think people would be openly honest and everything would be simple [but not necessarily easy].

All Over the World!

Don't feel tired, nope. I usually go to bed before midnight (yeah I know, kinda weird).

Bali Hai was a beautiful place. One day I will go there again, and not get lost on the roundabout [definitely fun. I almost wish I was in MT's car...almost]. The food was good, but not "great". I totally gave away the whole secret santa thing without even paying attention, hence the new nickname "Loose Lips Kim". [This name is usually followed by a sad face and then a mad walk]

Finals are over by the way and it do I say this?...AWESOME.

I'm excited to travel and go to Taiwan. I got accepted to the Habitat for Humanity Collegiate Challenge and most likely will go to Oregon to build houses during Spring Break. Yeah I know I'm sexy. Then this summer...China if I'm lucky. If I had a million dollars, I think I would travel and volunteer all over the world. Yeah that'd be awesome too.

"I don't practice Santeria, I ain't got no crystal ball
Well I had a million dollars,but I'd spend it all!"

Friday, December 02, 2005


So today, I had a sit down talk with my friend (who will remain nameless, but spent a lot of time making pirate comments). During this talk, I was reminded of an idea that has been swimming around my head for a while.

I really feel offended when I hear someone say "don't be so sensitive". It's as if we are so focused on efficiency and materialism that we forget we are human. Living life in a way that is personally fulfilling should be your goal, not falling into the clockwork of society and going through the motions. Without sensitivity and emotions, where would we be? Living life numb to all the pain and happiness around is no life at all.

We have dehumanized ourselves in order to "progress" as a whole. Yet it seems that there has been little real progress gained by humanity through this process. The impersonal way we see the world and deal with people, in my opinion, is actually taking away from humanity [a unique quality that we hold so highly]. Desensitizing people only lessens their quality of life.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


I was trying to type in the URL for this site, and I ended up typing "". haha. How silly would that be?

Sorry if you read my blog and it seems like I am emo or bipolar. Honestly, I'm really sane (some may disagree), I promise. Life has been good lately. I am enjoying a sense of autonomy and clarity of mind that I haven't felt in a while. Some unnecessary "drama" may have come up, but according to some people (who will remain nameless) I don't like to call it "drama" because I secretly like drama. Go figure.

I've been really enjoying the conversations I've been having lately. Hearing about other people's thoughts, lives, and other silly comments makes me happy. I would love to spend the rest of my life just conversing with all these people and hearing what they have to say. It's like I'm connecting with all these people, and in turn I'm growing. I'm gonna try not to qualify each statement I make, but really, life is all about relationships. Remember that, and keep it in your pocket for a rainy day.