Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Figure this out

Monday, February 16, 2004

Can you handle this?

Didn't think so.

Kiddos. What's with this madness? Bicker bicker bicker. The youth of today is so easily angered by so many things. I remember the little kids at ESS would sometimes get upset because of the littlest things. Has society forgotten the idea of patience and tolerance?

We live in a world where there are millions of billions of people with differing opinions, views, and such. But is it really worth it to argue until you are blue in the face? Unless you think that that's sexy, I don't really see the point. I'm not saying that I personally don't disagree with others. Even my very best friends and I have differing opinions on major issues [like whether or not that guy is hot].

We have to learn to "agree to disagree", and really mean it.

Yeah it would be great if everyone agreed on everything. Lot less fighting. But what kind of good would that do? It is the drive of those with dissenting opinions that push us forward in the world. So if we embrace those differing opinions then we'd be much better off than if we just shut them out or, even worse, pushed them out.

If it weren't for those that disagreed with everyone else, we would still live believing that we are the center of the universe.

I still love you even if you are wrong.

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Quick question

What's up with people doing the whole "fade in- fade out" thing on their sites? Or the stars where it opens up and closes or whatever? It just takes more time. Doesn't enhance it or anything. All that happens is my brain asks my eyes if I'm going blind cuz everything goes blurry for a while.


Last night I had the most beautiful dream, and the same night I had the most heart-wrenching dream too. Weird how that can happen. But the good definitely made up for the bad.

My outlook on life has definitely changed. With so many things changing, I've come to realize that there are things in life that you have absolutely no control over. It's like watching an accident happen in slow motion, and although you've seen it coming for years, you still haven't come to terms with the reality that it's happenning. Kind of like in Romeo and Juliet. You already know that both of them are going to die, but every time at that moment in the play you find yourself looking at them and wishing you could just say "hold on a little longer, she's not really dead". That little bit of naive hope is what keeps you going from day to day, but I'm sure it can't be that way forever.

Friday, February 13, 2004

Curve Ball

Even with all this chaos happening around me, I think I've found a balance. I've been able to deal with the curve balls thrown at me within the last few days, and still live to tell about it. Most people didn't even ask "what's wrong?". Not for lack of their compassion, but instead because I was able to internally deal with it better.

Sometimes it's like that child inside of you never dies. No matter how bad a child's life may seem, they don't dwell on the bad, and are still able to play and enjoy their lives. That's how I felt this past week. Even though I should be bummed, I don't feel like it'll help. So instead I internally deal with it and move on. Perhaps instead of hitting and missing my curve ball, I've learned how to hit it straight on.

Sunday, February 08, 2004

I love watching movies. It's like another outlet. You start to see yourself living vicariously through the life of a character on screen. Eventually sympathy becomes empathy.

Perhaps it's just me and my sappiness, but that's what I feel that art truly is. An expression of emotion, not just for others to see, but for others to feel as well.

I'm not saying all movies are good. All that sex and violence in movies doesn't do very much good. It's like when you watch tv and gradually raise the volume little by little, until you have no clue that you are practically deaf. You become numb after a while when all that stuff is thrown at you. And that's definitely not what we need right now. A little compassion would be nice though.

I may have found my soul mate

Thursday, February 05, 2004

I fell from the...
APPLE TREE (Love) - of slight build, lots of charm, appeal, and attraction, pleasant aura, flirtatious, adventurous, sensitive, always in love, wants to love and be loved, faithful and tender partner, very generous, scientific talents, lives for today, a carefree philosopher with imagination.

Doesn't sound that much like me though.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Winter in San Diego:: it's like winter but not

Good things about the weather:
+you get to feel all cozy
+you don't have to water the plants as much
+the sunset makes red highlights in the sky when it's cloudy
+sleeping in feels extra nice
+scarfs are really comfy
+fuzzy slippers are also comfy
+less ho-ish girls wearing skimpy clothing [and if they still wear it, you can laugh at them as they freeze their butts off]

Bad things about the weather:
-my nose is always cold
-the beach is off limits cuz I don't own a wet suit
-it's much harder to get out of bed
-doing anything outdoors at night is off limits
-going to Winter Formal in a dress
-shivering is not sexy
-being sick and sounding like you are going through puberty is not sexy [unless you are Michael Jackson who likes boys, that like him, are on the verge of hitting puberty]

Sometimes one kind word makes one HUGE difference.

Think about it...even if that was corny.

Monday, February 02, 2004

Crunch Time

Sometimes I feel like one of those champion weight lifters. But instead of lifting for 10 seconds or however long, I have to hold on to weights for days, weeks, months, even years on end. And the fun part is, once you feel like a little bit of weight has been taken off your shoulders, all of a sudden someone drops a whole ton more.

It feels more like crunch time now than it did during finals week. And that was just a week or two ago.

The problem with me is that I like to make use of my time. Everything seems interesting, and I want to try everything and be apart of everything. But that doesn't fly well with the laws of physics. I can't be everywhere at once, and there's only so much time in one day. So suxors to me.