Rationing Kindness
It has to be much simpler than this, much purer than this, much clearer than this.
Relationships of any kind used to be so much easier when we were in sandboxes and sneakers. Yes there was jealousy, fighting over toys, and maybe some name calling; but most of what needed to be said was said.
It may be idealistic (or naive) of me to think that people can just appreciate one another's company without having any ulterior motives, but I can't help but hold out hope for that ideal. I hate to think that I have to ration out my kindness and friendliness because of what intentions this may reflect on my part. Suddenly there are lines that I cannot cross, things I hesitate to say, and rules I have to follow.
If this is what growing up is about, then I want no part in it.
It's rather unfortunate that sometimes acts of kindness can be misconstrued one way or another. However, if you believe in karma and in fate --- everything always happens for a reason ;-) Stay true to life, and it will return the favor.
isn't it sad?
fyi, i know you have no ulterior motives ;)
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