I don't care for fancy things...
"I don't mean to seem like I care about material things like a social status
I just want four walls and adobe slabs for my girls"
~ My Girls, Animal Collective
Although I would like to think that I could live outside of the "material world" (I'm channeling karaoke and Madonna), it's really not as simple as it seems. I stress on a regular basis about how to pay for things- the necessary and the "unnecessary". Yet the unnecessary are often, in my opinion, pretty much necessary for my happiness and existence as a human being.
I think that I will always continue to work to carve my own path out of this nice system that society has created for itself and its participants. I'm not willing to remove myself from it and live "off the grid", but it gets tiring to maneuver through it, and at times, I really just want to succumb to the pressures. I think- no, I know- I'd succeed in the "corporate world", but aside from the comfort and stability, it really has never appealed to me.
Am I willing to give up some of my own desires for a bit of relief from the stresses of the "real world"? Not too sure. It's a slippery slope. Job after job can inadvertently become a career. I've always been involved in this intricate dance with fate; allowing chance to bring things into my life while working to consciously choose which doors to walk through and sometimes, figuratively, which windows to peer through.
I don't know if I've just convinced myself that I've out-smarted the system or if I'm just a victim like everyone else. Perhaps ignorance is bliss.
It's neither comfort nor stability if you're not comfortable and want something else.
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