Friday, December 02, 2005


So today, I had a sit down talk with my friend (who will remain nameless, but spent a lot of time making pirate comments). During this talk, I was reminded of an idea that has been swimming around my head for a while.

I really feel offended when I hear someone say "don't be so sensitive". It's as if we are so focused on efficiency and materialism that we forget we are human. Living life in a way that is personally fulfilling should be your goal, not falling into the clockwork of society and going through the motions. Without sensitivity and emotions, where would we be? Living life numb to all the pain and happiness around is no life at all.

We have dehumanized ourselves in order to "progress" as a whole. Yet it seems that there has been little real progress gained by humanity through this process. The impersonal way we see the world and deal with people, in my opinion, is actually taking away from humanity [a unique quality that we hold so highly]. Desensitizing people only lessens their quality of life.


At 12:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

True, true. Some people really are oversensitive and I lost a friend to that. Ahhh. Anyways, you're deep Kim, no wonder you do so well in Hum. Oh and don't let my efforts go to waste tomorrow ... wink wink

At 8:42 AM , Blogger Kim said...

Yeah..sensitivity in moderation is key. It's those cold-hearted-lack-of-compassion people that really bother me

At 12:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being overly sensitive causes you to get easily offended. Get thicker skin?


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