Good..Now tilt your head a litte more....
Kim got her senior portraits and her personality portraits taken today. I really don't know how to pose for those things. It feels so unnatural, and I broke her camera. haha. Not really, she forgot to put some card thingy in it, but i was like "oh no! I broke the camera!" way to start of a photo session huh? Angela did my hair. You guys should call her up, she's really good at this stuff. she made me look sexy before I went to go take my pictures. I hope they turn out ok. *crosses fingers* I just got back from taking a test in my US Hist class. The stress is getting a little overwhelming, but I'll try not to let it get to me too much. I still have an essay due for US Hist (research paper of some sort...atleast it's on movies), and i also have my summer assignment for AP Gov due soon. It's ok I'll make it through just like every other time in my life. It's always good to be able to feel like you can get through it with a little hard work and perseverance. I talked to Tanya today during class. She's such a cutey pie. What we talked about made me think about stuff that goes on around me that I can't really control. How others feel and such. I feel so bad when how someone feels and how I feel don't really mix well. I always want to make everyone happy because it makes me happy to see others happy. But when it happens to be that my happiness starts to take away from someone else's happiness I start to feel kind of guilty for being happy. I know I probably shouldn't but i can't help a lot of things that I think and feel. Maybe a good run will make me feel better about all of this junk that I'm dealing with. Exercise and laughter. Both some of my best medicines. Ah..i need a good laugh with my piggy while eating some banana sauce.
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