I watched "Some Like It Hot" with Marilyn Monroe, Jack Lemmon, and Tony Curtis. It was soooo funny. Men getting hit on when they are dressed up as women...classic comedic element. Old movies are fun. Everytime I go over to Angela's house i get made fun of by her brothers, my cheeks pinched, and her little sister does my hair. She had to leave before my dad could go pick me up. I stayed there with Phil, David and Jessica. I can't believe they watched "jackass" the movie while Jessica (who is 11 btw) was sitting right there. There's some messed up stuff in that movie. I liked "Some Like It Hot" better. I don't get the thing about the "type-o blood". Oh and to Angela:: Your prom pics were....ZOWIE!! haha. She said that "Pirates of the Caribbean" was really funny and a good movie...that makes me want to see it even more esp. with that "goofball"!! I have lacrosse tomorrow, and Les Miserables with Kelly!!! Life is good.
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