Friday, June 06, 2003

Ok so its past midnight and I'm not asleep. This post won't make much sense since random thoughts are going through my head. Like fate...what's up with that? And how do you win that darn pearl game? And why do we feel the need to always have someone that cares about us? How come we don't get to pick our family? How come the ones we hurt most are the ones we love most? What is the point of school? Where would I be without schoool? Where would i be without my friends? How complicated are we anyway? What exactly makes you happy? How do you define happiness? Is ignorance really bliss? Should we really hitch onto that star, or do as Nash says and "Kindly Unhitch that star, Buddy" (or something)? Why am I not asleep yet? How much can one person really hold inside? Can we really chose how we feel? When should we take a risk? Is the risk really worth it? When do you tell the truth? When do you just omit some of the truth? Should we care about how others feel? Who actually reads this (hehe)? The unanswerable questions just keep going on and on and on.....maybe I'm just a wannabe insomniac.


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