Physics boat status: done!!! woot!! Come and support us 1st period wednesday. GHOSTBUSTERS!!! Yeah Tenacious Dong is going in the boat.
I'm feeling pretty good right now. I've been told to ignore the comments of a certain someone. Perhaps it's better that way. I might not always know how I feel, but atleast I don't have false motives or intentions. I don't aim to make people feel bad. I love my friends, they are always there for me, always there to offer to punch someone in the face for me [jk], and always there to make me feel loved no matter what type of person I am. Because as a friend, you don't judge, you accept. You don't hold expectations or ideals for the other person, you love them for who they are and are there for them when they need you. btw...Tien, and Ferguson, you guys owe me BIG TIME.
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