Monday, May 05, 2003

I'm not gonna sit here and whine about my AP tests etc etc. To be honest with you, I can handle it. I'll just take it one test at a time. One day at a time, it'll be fine. So for those of you stressing now, you shouldn't. It'll just hurt you more. Get some good sleep and don't think about it. Watch your favorite movie and eat good food. I need to do NHS stuff first. I don't even know how much I want to be in that anyway.

After realizing that I messed up, I fixed things again. Overall, I'm really happy with my life. No matter what happens, I know I have my friends to catch me when I fall or stumble. [Btw you shoulda seen me almost fall over getting a ground ball was funny] I've always thought that if you could see your own flaws, then you could find a way to fix them. But now I know that that's not true at all. I know most of my flaws, but mine will take time to get over. Thanks to those who have stuck with me through thick and thin...and for those who hopefully will continue to do so. No one knows you better than yourself...K i'm sick of this self-analysis crap. It's getting me a little down...i wanna be a ditz and just be happy in my own little shallow world. They never let "deep" things bug them. Let's all live in a world where "world peace" is possible just by smiling and looking pretty while holding a bouquet and waving at a crowd. That's why I love little kids...they don't have that falseness about them. They are so candid in everything they do, it might not be related to "reality" since their imaginations don't let the "real world" taint anything in their minds. What I'd do to be a kid again....graham crackers...finger painting...naps...oh yes naps...


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