Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Complications. What did Tien say about me? Oh yeah, I'm simple by nature, not simple-minded, cuz that makes me sound dumb. I like keeping things simple. When they aren't, I try to simplify them. Its like that ever-lasting knot: The more you untangle things the more knots you see. I feel like I'm one of those darn chinese proverbs. "yu gong yi shan" The one about this guy with a mountain in front of his house. So he starts takin chunks outta the mountain, and the old man down the road asks him why he's so foolish, and tells him that the mountain's never going away. But the old man who is moving the mountain says that the mountain doesn't grow. so as long as he is persistent, he will be successful. Maybe I just need to be persistent in life. I can get rid of my "mountain". It'll just take time. I guess it's a work in progress, like a lifelong process.

On a much lighter note. Megan showed up at my lacrosse game.!!! I was so happy to see her supporting me, even my mom was there. double Woot! More testing manana. YAY!! (sarcasm just in case you didn't notice) K i'm going to bed


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