Wednesday, September 03, 2003

I had a post talking about the sleepover...with the ed norton, the "i am woman hear me roar", megan's butt is a lethal weapon, talking to inanimate objects [black mail to be specific], tellling riddles that have no answers, knocking people in the head while sleeping, and oh yeah STEAM ROLLERS!!! But i'd rather not go into all that right now. I have auditions tomorrow, but I've been inspired to write...well more like I want to procrastinate more. I've been a little tired. Wondering what the point of all this is....sometimes. I guess it's for the memories. Sometimes (this might sound weird but..) I wish that I knew no one. I wish that I was one of those loner kids who never had to deal with people and relationships with people. It's like this:: high school is kind of like a mini-society, and so everyone is connected or intertwined somehow into something like a web. If you are apart of this web, then one thing that happens anywhere near you [meaning the people that you know or care about] it affects you even if it is from far away. Sometimes I want to hide in my little shell, then I realize why I love my friends so much.


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