Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Is it a bad thing that I already feel like I need a bit of a break? It might be. But I mean...doesn't everyone feel that way? I always manage to pull through. Success seems like it's the only option sometimes, so I guess I'm getting there. Whatever "success" means. People always tell me, do what you like to do...when referring to a job. Nothing else matters. An for now atleast, I'm loving my job. The kids are a whole ton of fun. When they talk to you, they just sit on your lap without asking. Then all of a sudden you've got kids hanging off of you everywhere. We went into the MP room to play some games like Freeze Dance and Shark Attack, and all that fun stuff. The person I'm an aide for is Ryan something...that starts with a C. He used to go to MC too. I'm glad I'm working here and not Oscars. There's nothing wrong wih Oscars, it's just that I enjoy this a lot more. Much needed beauty rest....ZzzZzz


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