Thursday, August 14, 2003

Finished...sort of

I just finished my last day in my US history class and I feel kinda relieved. But then I get home and realize that I have to do so much stuff. No more link crew for now, but now I have my AP gov summer assignment to finish, my AP Environmental Science summer assignment to do, write a letter to my chinese school teacher, finish my chinese school homework, finish reading Hardball, prepare for my auditions [school and SDYS], and LAX summer League this saturday. Whew! Just a tad overwhelmed...I want to be underwhelmed...if there is such a word. I might be kind of mean to people when I'm stressed, I like myself so much more when I'm not. Today was a fun day though. Hot...but fun. We did Link Crew stuff today, and that was a blast. After that i had to do some ASB stuff for registration. OMG registering freshmen is the worst because the parents come with them, and all they do is complain. Asking questions is fine, I can handle that, but all they can do is sit there and complain about everything. Stuff happens sometimes that we can't really prevent from happenning. It's not from poor administration, or organization or anything like that, it's caused by something that we can't control. Like those darn demon posessed computers and printers. ID cards are from the devil. It's ok, my brother was there to make me laugh for the most part. I should apologize for embarassing him a little bit, but eh...what else are sister for??


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