Monday, March 07, 2005

Sometimes the more stressed you are, the more you realize there's no reason to be stressed.

I hope I never become one of those people guided by their clocks and schedules. Worried about the hours ticking away or the days crossed off of their calendars. Gone...yeah I know. But I mean why worry about something that's gone.

You know what? I don't ever say this, but I love hearing people talk about their beliefs. Just listening in on the different kinds of perspectives of faith or even lack of faith, and how it can fulfill a person so much. Some may gain this fulfillment in different ways. Listening and understanding these things help me realize even even moreso what I really believe. They may be different, but I don't think that everyone should think like me.

And the whole "wasting your life in conflict" is so true. People need to take a chill pill and not hate so much. Hate and anger eat away at your heart, when you really don't deserve it. Take care of your heart.


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