Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Uh...some other time

Watch me put off studying for gov for as long as my asian genes will allow me. Sooner or later there will be a voice in my head, resembling an old asian woman saying:: Yoo dan weet study? No yoo nat. Muss study mo. Ree ovah whore book? I did nah tink so. Den muss do latt now! [need translation?: You done with study? No you're not. Must study more. Read over whole book? I did not think so. Then must do that now!]

Yes. I have old asian woman voices in my head. They speak to me when I'm talking to boys, or when I'm not studying. Being asian without a penis sucks. It's twoo. Not that I want a penis. Nope. Wouldn't know what to do with it.

Alright the asian lady in my head is nagging like crazy. I guess I'll have to tell you all about my crazy nightmare later on. And yes...it involves your mom.


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