Sunday, January 04, 2004

And that was that for "Holiday Cheer"

School is tomorrow, and the thing I was looking forward to most won't be there. Well I meant the "person", but who here's really paying attention to detail.

Now it really feels like the New Year has begun. So here are my ten things that seem worthy of note so far::

1. Disappointment is the sucks. [so not expecting much is always the less painful way to go]
2. School is also the sucks. [Well, more specifically homework is...I'm gonna turn back into Mrs. Hyde]
3. The cold affects your hands and feet first. [so always keep an extra pair of socks and gloves on hand]
4. Before doing anything drastic, always do a self-check. [perhaps some words are better left unsaid]
5. Procrastination is fun. [it's like eating too many krispy kremes]
6. Absence does make the heart grow fonder. [but that also depends on who it is]
7. If you talk the talk, then you'd better walk the walk.
8. Love is still the strongest force in the world.
9. Movies are works of art. [Yep. Even the Pokemon movie...sorta]
10. Take a couple of friends, add some wonton noodles, with some boba on the side, and Jimmy Eat World in the background and VOILA! Instant "good times".


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